sábado, janeiro 17, 2015

sem estratégia a vida empresarial é mais perigosa

Um artigo, "Strategy: The foundation of your farm", em sintonia com o marcador "estratégia na agricultura" para poder haver "agricultura com futuro".
"Many businesses, in farming and elsewhere, have no formal plan. Some are happy with the result, many are not. But many discover that developing a strategic plan and carefully implementing it has two effects. First is that it helps identify the desired outcome (where you’re going, your vision for the future). Second, it identifies the path required to achieve your vision."
É tão fácil, tão comum, tão enganador, pensar que basta produzir bem e tudo se resolve a partir daí...
"Strategy is how you position your organization to achieve its goals, and it is the actions taken to achieve the positioning.
Some will say this is high-falutin’ hooey, maybe relevant to non-farm businesses, but not for farms — what’s to decide about a farm’s strategy? Our experience is there is a lot. We see farms that prosper by being extremely low-cost commodity producers and financial managers. Others combine cost control with producing products that earn premium prices because of traits or services. Still others focus on adding value.
After they adopt a written plan with clear goals, actions and accountabilities, many farmers find it transformational."
Seja agricultura, serviços, ou indústria, sem estratégia a vida empresarial é mais perigosa.
Ainda agora li esta notícia "Governo quer mais doutorados nas empresas" e pensei logo:
- Sem estratégia por trás... vai ser um desapontamento, para as empresas e para os doutorados.
Sem uma estratégia baseada na inovação, que tem de ter alinhado um relacionamento com a distribuição, com o tipo de clientes, com o tipo de fornecedores, com o tipo de comerciais...

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