segunda-feira, fevereiro 27, 2012

Eu prefiro esta onda

Qual é a receita clássica para dominar um mercado?
Crescer, crescer, ser mais eficiente, aproveitar a escala...
Por isso é que a UNICER fechou a fábrica de Loulé e fechou a fábrica de Santarém, para centralizar a produção e ser mais eficiente.
Por isso o modelo mental que gere a SCC...
Qual a receita deste blogue?
"By definition, “craft” is an art or occupation requiring special skill and, if my taste buds have any say in the matter, the craft beer industry exemplifies the word. The Boston Beer Company founder and chairman Jim Koch was a key pioneer of the craft beer movement; in April 1985, he debuted his Samuel Adams Boston Lager in about 25 bars and restaurants in Boston. While it didn't have the trappings of a company that was about to change the industry, Samuel Adams had two key qualities in its favor: a full-flavored quality beer, and an incredible passion.
Today, the company has a team of about 750 people with breweries in Boston, Cincinnati, and Pennsylvania. The family of beers has expanded to include over 30 different beer styles that are ever-changing, and the company paved the way for an army of craft brewers across the nation. Samuel Adams beers are now available in all 50 states and more than 20 foreign countries."
Não há um único caminho... portanto, o mercado há-de ficar maduro para que, também por cá, apareçam artesãos da cerveja.
"In the beginning, when local distributors declined to carry Sam Adams, I became my own distributor and carried chilled bottles of Boston Lager to bartenders around Boston. The beer was unlike any other they’d tasted. They admired the fact that I brewed small batches and kept an obsessive eye on quality and flavor, rather than trying to compete with the larger brewers mass-producing mainstream beers."
Eu prefiro esta onda, a onda do artesão, do especialista que aposta na concorrência imperfeita e despreza a guerra da eficiência, a postura do David que ignora os Golias. Como diz Seth Godin we are all weird e isso é muito bom para as PMEs, isso é bom para a arte, isso é bom para a diversidade.
Trechos retirados de "How Sam Adams Founder Jim Koch Is Helping Entrepreneurs Brew The American Dream"

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