terça-feira, janeiro 03, 2012

Excelente, by-pass ao status-quo

Excelente: "Bit by Britt, farm family makes its mark the milky way":
"His wife, Rachael, said the family was regularly approached by locals wanting to buy milk direct from the farm, which is illegal. "But a lot of doctors are also recommending people that have certain illnesses drink unhomogenised milk, because it's more natural," she said. Mrs Peterken said their own brand, Inglenook, had already been stocked by local businesses.
Bottles of Inglenook had also been sold at Essendon farmers' market, and should be available in IGA stores in the new year.
Mrs Peterken's father, Basil, said the dairy industry was in a "pretty ordinary" state, with the big supermarket chains squeezing farmers' margins."
Ontem, a meio da tarde, uma mensagem de SMS da patroa chegou.
Saí de casa, andei 300 metros, entrei numa casa e comprei numa casa de lavradores:
  • uma abóbora de 11 kg (que descasquei e foi para a arca aos bocadinhos para substituir a batata na sopa);
  • 3 pencas que foram cortadas à minha frente;
  • 1 dúzia de ovos sem carimbos de veterinários.
Isto é qualidade de vida!

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