sexta-feira, junho 19, 2009

Fazer a mudança acontecer (parte VII)

Continuação da parte I, parte II, parte III, parte IV, parte V, parte VI e parte (VI e meia).
Karl Weick escreveu sobre os "Small Wins".
Schaffer no livro "Rapid Results" segue na mesma onda:
"The basic idea we advance in this chapter is that a major transformational change effort should be divided into a series of discrete staged advances, each about four to six months long, each focused on a set of agreed-upon overall objectives, and each with a clear beginning and a clear end.
Within each of these stages, a number of planned change steps are carried out. From the beginning, rapid results projects provide much of the energy and drive. And each rapid results project is designed to produce urgently needed business results that will move the organization toward its transformational goals for that period— while, in addition and at the same time yielding some new managerial capability in implementing change and some new insights
about the corporation’s strategy.
The successes during each stage provide the zest and confidence for moving ahead. And at the end of each phase, the achievements and associated learning are assessed, and the resulting wisdom is exploited in the design of the subsequent period. Thus the number of projects as well as their individual scope can expand in each successive stage.
Since the idea is to create an integrated transformation strategy that knits together all the changing elements, there needs to be a group at the top to manage and coordinate the effort."
Conclusão lógica desta abordagem: as empresas que falham e definham, não falham, em regra, por causa de grandes projectos falhados, definham porque ao longo do tempo não foram objecto de pequenas alterações, de pequenas mudanças, de pequenas transformações. O somatório... ou o produtório, dessas lacunas, dessas omissões é... medonho!!!

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