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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta shark tank. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, agosto 31, 2014

O efeito Shark Tank tem algo a ver com... (parte II)

Parte I.
Acerca das histórias que as empresas contam aos clientes, ou não. Para reflexão:
"A great story is never just about you or something that happened to you, no matter how seemingly interesting the characters or events may be. A great story, no matter the subject, is always really about them (the audience) with a universal appeal.
"Nobody wants to hear about your triumphs. We want to hear about what a fool you are, because that’s what we are." Most people, however, do not want to talk about their failures or their struggles with their weaknesses. But your honestly and willingness to be vulnerable is what draws your audience in.
"Nobody wants to hear about your triumphs. We want to hear about what a fool you are, because that’s what we are." Most people, however, do not want to talk about their failures or their struggles with their weaknesses. But your honestly and willingness to be vulnerable is what draws your audience in.
No struggle, no story. No obstacles to reach your goal? Who wants to hear about that? Where is the lesson in that?"

Trechos retirados de "The key to storytelling is not your perfection but your humanity"

quarta-feira, agosto 27, 2014

O efeito Shark Tank tem algo a ver com...

Ontem à noite vi mais um programa do Shark Tank e, como é costume, fui à internet pesquisar acerca do futuro de alguns dos projectos que mais me interessaram. Um deles foi o da Bon Affair e a pesquisa fez-me chegar a este texto "A Struggling Start-Up Dives Into the ‘Shark Tank’".
O que me chamou a atenção foi o já conhecido efeito do Shark Tank nas vendas após a emissão:
"In the 24 hours after the show aired, the company posted $40,000 in sales, almost doubling its total for the previous six months."
Neste caso particular, o que a empreendedora fez foi revelar toda a fraqueza do seu estado, o que estava mal, o que tinha corrido mal e porquê... e as pessoas respondem comprando.
Fiz logo a ligação para "Qual é o verdadeiro produto que a nossa agricultura pode oferecer? (parte IV)"