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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta scott berkun. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quinta-feira, julho 23, 2009

Focalização, focalização, focalização

No nosso livro seguimos a máxima de começar pelo fim. Quando começamos pelo fim, a finalidade, a razão de ser, o propósito é onde pousam os nossos olhos.
Quando afastamos os olhos da bola é que começam os problemas, perdemos a noção do que é importante, perdemos de vista a razão de ser da nossa organização.
Porque acredito nestas palavras, chamou-me a atenção este trecho de Scott Berkun no seu livro "The Art of Project Management":
"The simpler your view of what you do, the more power and focus you will have in doing it. If we can periodically maintain a simple view of our work, we can find useful comparisons to other ways to make things that exist all around us. ... This is similar to the concept defined by the Japanese word shoshin, which means beginner's mind, or open mind, an essential part of many martial arts disciplines. Staying curious and open is what makes growth possible, and it requires practice to maintain that mindset. To keep learning, we have to avoid the temptation to slide into narrow, safe views of what we do."
Um visão simples, despida de canga, focada no essencial é fundamental. Até para avaliar a eficácia do que fazemos.

quarta-feira, julho 22, 2009

"Don't think on innovation, think on solving a problem"

"We didn't need a Department of Innovation to achieve the greatest technological achievement in human history: putting a man on the moon. We did create NASA, but its goal was not the vague and distracting mandate to "promote innovation", but to solve a specific set of problems, problems so hard that they demanded a huge amount of innovation."

Scott Berkun em "Should Obama Create a Department of Innovation?"