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terça-feira, outubro 21, 2008

Crafting a power offer

JC Larreche no seu “The Momentum Effect” conjuga uma série de conceitos que costumamos usar neste blogue, nomeadamente proposta de valor e clientes-alvo.
“A power offer that presented compelling value for a specific customer group that represented compelling equity.”
Ou seja, desenhar uma oferta sedutora e poderosa assente numa proposta de valor poderosa e dedicada e desenhada para um grupo de clientes-alvo, clientes rentáveis.
“We know that power offers are at the heart of momentum. They deliver compelling value to customers, who in turn offer compelling equity to the business.”
“The development of a power offer is a dynamic and iterative process. Like the creation of a sculpture or a poem, the idea for a power offer evolves and is refined over time.” (iteração atrás de iteração)

“The process emphasizes exploration centred on the customer and focuses on the value and equity to be transferred by the product rather than the product itself. It is iterative, constantly oscillating between phases in which different functions of the firm collaborate. The net result of this process is the design of a power offer that has sufficient customer traction to produce growth momentum.
Power offers are usually the result of a messy, organic maturation – quite unlike the orderly, linear pathways between silos that characterize the traditional product design process of large, established firms.”
Esta evolução e maturação progressiva da "power offer" pode ser facilmente exemplificada com um dos esquemas do famoso e já clássico artigo de Porter "What is Strategy?" publicado pela Harvard Business Review de Setembro-Outubro de 1996, por exemplo, para o caso da IKEA e tendo em conta o fenómeno da iteração dos modelos de negócio.
"a power offer is much more than a product or a service - it is the entire set of elements that influence the value that the targeted customers perceive."