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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta heterodoxia. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sábado, novembro 05, 2011

Desafiar a ortodoxia

É disto que muita gente precisa mesmo de aprender a fazer; a tomar consciência do fluxo, a ter a coragem de isolar-se e experimentar pensar diferente.
Só desafiando a ortodoxia, só abandonando a procissão de lemingues se pode aspirar a algo de diferente e distintivo.
"What do you know (or think you know) about your customers? What do they value in your products or services?
What do you know (or think you know) about your market and your competitors?
What if all of this were wrong? What would you start to see - or hear? All orthodoxies are, in effect, mental models of the way something works. And mental models necessarily can't incorporate everything. The economist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman compared them to maps: you can't possibly work in every detail. But, he went on to say, what you leave out can be more important than what gets in. "I think there's a pretty good case to be made that the stuff that I stressed in the models is a less important story than the things I left out because," Krugman wrote, "I couldn't model them."
Models, assumptions and orthodoxies crave coherence and once they provide it, they give us comfort. Until they turn out to be wrong. Which is why it's a good idea, on a regular basis, to review them and check they still work."