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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta gestão estratégica. Mostrar todas as mensagens

terça-feira, janeiro 19, 2010

Estratégia sem pessoas?! Wrong answer!

"It is rare for strategy to promote the status quo. Strategy development will almost always imply changes in the organization (Moi ici: Estratégia não é para manter o status quo, estratégia é caminho, estratégia é mudança, estratégia é viagem)- in its relationship with the environment and in its relationship with itself. Any organizational change that matters strategically will involve winners and losers, (Moi ici: Pessoas, pessoas, pessoas, sempre as pessoas) and so will involve some managers seeing themselves as potential winners and some as potential losers. It follows that any strategy development or thinking about strategy will, without deliberate intention, promote organizational politics."
"Strategic management is about people creating outcomes, not just about outcomes.
If strategic development does not change the way organizational members think, and so act, strategy can only have any real impact through coercion. Without changing ways of thinking, organizational members continue to see the same problems as they always did, and they continue to solve these problems using the same beliefs as before. Put more formally, their way of construing their occupational world has not changed."
Trechos retirados de "Making Strategy - The Journey of Strategic Management" de Colin Eden & Fran Ackermann.

segunda-feira, janeiro 18, 2010

Acerca da Gestão Estratégica

Encontrei um livro sobre a construção, sobre formulação da estratégia, com um conjunto de reflexões sobre o que é a gestão estratégica:
"Strategic management is, for us, a way of regenerating an organization, through continuous attention to a vision of what the people who make up an organization wish to do. It is a pro-active process of seeking to change the organization, (Moi ici: estratégia é caminho, estratégia é transformação. Falar em estratégia, para manter o status-quo é absurdo.) its stakeholders, and the context, or 'environment', which it seeks to attain its aspirations. It is, particularly, about stretching the organization to gain leverage from its individuality (Moi ici: Como é que uma organização pode fazer a diferença? Como é que uma organização pode criar valor de forma sustentada?)- its distinctive competencies and ability to change them. Strategic management involves creating and moulding the future, along with making sense of the past, constructing rather than simply predicting, and responding to, some predetermined future reality. It is also importantly about developing the capability for long term flexibility and strategic opportunism rather than making and sticking to long term plans." (Moi ici: Criar, construir e moldar o futuro, em vez de esperar por ele. E, ser capaz de equilibrar o longo-prazo com o oportunismo estratégico, um pouco como escreveu Isenberg.)
"It follows that we see effective strategy as a coherent set of individual discrete actions in support of a system of goals, and which are supported as a portfolio by a self-sustaining critical mass, or momentum, of opinion in the organization."
"Strategy making thus includes analysing and determining how core distinctive competencies are to be exploited as a livelihood scheme or a business model through the process of adding value."
Trechos retirados de "Making Strategy - The Journey of Strategic Management" de Colin Eden & Fran Ackermann.