"Better to admit defeat now than after having thrown away hundreds of millions.[Moi ici: Os custos afundados são difíceis de esquecer]Quando penso em decisões rápidas recuo sempre a um mês de Setembro em Felgueiras... empresário sem curso superior, agarrou-me por um braço, meteu-me no carro e levou-me a um subcontratado que tinha arranjado durante as férias, para pôr em prática o que tínhamos discutido no último dia de Julho antes de férias. Pensei nos licenciados que engonham e engonham, quando basta fazer uma experiência.
For any business to thrive, difficult decisions need to be made. This applies not only to new projects but to corporate strategy. John Flint was ejected as HSBC chief executive in August because Mark Tucker, the bank’s chairman, thought he was avoiding hard choices. “The job of the CEO, everyone knows, is to make decisions, ”wrote Ram Charan, a veteran strategy adviser.
being forced to use intuition after considering the evidence helps to avoid being paralyzed by a question when there is no easy answer.
There are rewards for being decisive, beyond the risk of the company drifting and you losing your job if you are not. Investors and the media are drawn to confident stories and dislike uncertainty. There is no point in holding a strategy day if you cannot settle on a strategy, or say how it will be executed.
Making quick decisions, even informed by experience and expertise, is valuable but not foolproof. As he noted, “intuition feels just the same when it’s wrong and when it’s right, that’s the problem.”
Those who consider a challenge from all angles and act prudently and decisively may still be wrong. “Even highly experienced, superbly competent and well-intentioned managers are fallible,”"
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