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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta charter cities. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sábado, dezembro 10, 2011

Lubeck - Hong Kong in Honduras

Neste postal perguntei:
Sabem como é que Henrique, O Leão, transformou Lubeck de um covil de piratas, literalmente, na cidade que veio a ser a líder da Liga Hanseática?
Eis uma ajuda para a resposta:
"Hong Kong in Honduras"
A história de Lubeck, aprendi-a com Tim Harford em "Adapt":
"Lübeck is now a small city on the north coast of Germany, but in 1158 it was little more than a castle on a pirate-infested coast. Henry the Lion, one of the local rulers, conquered the place, took over the castle, executed the local pirate chief, and began to turn Lübeck into the richest town in northern Europe. His method was simple: he established a different set of rules which would apply only in Lübeck. Would-be citizens were offered a charter of ‘most honourable civic rights’, feudal rulers were kicked out and replaced with a local council, an independent mint guaranteed sound money, excessive taxes were prohibited and a free-trade area was arranged from which Lübeck’s traders could reach cities such as Münster, Magdeburg, Nuremberg and even Vienna. Henry then put out the word across northern Europe that commercially-savvy immigrants would be welcomed with open arms. They flocked to answer the call and Lübeck became the Hong Kong or Shanghai of its day – a sudden and astonishing success. The Holy Roman Emperor himself, Charles IV, rated Lübeck as one of the five ‘glories of the Empire’ alongside Rome, Pisa, Venice and Florence.
Lübeck was widely copied. City after city along the Baltic coast adopted some variant of Henry’s charter, and ushered in an age of prosperity. Lübeck became the capital of the Hanseatic League, an alliance that ultimately numbered 200 cities and lasted into the seventeenth century. (Lübeck itself retained some independence into the twentieth century: the town senate refused to allow Adolf Hitler to campaign there in 1932. He took his revenge by turning it into an administrative suburb of Hamburg.) With the world fast urbanising, perhaps the time has come to copy Lübeck again."
Reparem: no PINs, no corredores do poder, no amigalhaços atrás do biombo, no conhecimento de alguém que conhece alguém. Regras claras e transparentes aplicáveis a todos.
Portas ainda está no modelo mental de há 20 anos ""Farei tudo o que estiver ao meu alcance para que haja mais Autoeuropas em Portugal"". Autoeuropas só virão com contrapartidas medonhas.
Faz algum sentido económico, hoje, montar em Portugal uma empresa focada na produção em massa para o mercado externo, quando há países, mais baratos em termos de salários, mais competentes em termos de qualificações, mais estáveis em termos políticos e mais próximos dos fornecedores e consumidores?
Em Mongo, cool não é ter mega-empresas. Em Mongo, cool é ter muitas e muitas empresas dinâmicas, pequenas, flexíveis, capazes de estarem em sintonia com as correntes do mercado. Quando falham, não há crise, "they aren't to big to fail".
Autoeuropas, num país como Portugal, trazem sempre o perigo da pedofilia empresarial.