quarta-feira, agosto 07, 2024

Pagamento de capacidade?

Pelos vistos no sector eléctrico existe algo que se chama pagamento de capacidade, uma compensação financeira fornecida aos geradores de electricidade para garantir que eles estejam disponíveis para fornecer energia quando necessário. Este mecanismo é utilizado para assegurar a segurança do fornecimento eléctrico, especialmente em momentos de pico de procura ou em situações em que há risco de escassez de energia.

Fiquei a namorar este conceito depois de ler este artigo num WSJ do final de Julho, "A U.S. Maker of a Critical Antibiotic Struggles to Survive in Tough Industry":
"A cavernous factory in northeastern Tennessee is one of the last in the country that makes a vitally important medicine.
Each day the USAntibiotics plant churns out a million doses of the crucial antibiotic amoxicillin that promise to cure Americans of everything from ear aches to pneumonia— and ease a pressing shortage for children. But the plant's prospects are dim. It can't charge enough to cover overhead, because competitors sell their wares at bargain prices. USAntibiotics isn't close to breaking even.
[Moi ici: Ao ler os próximos dois parágrafos a resposta de um liberal económico pode ser: Azar, temos pena!] The generic drug business has become a hostile environment for U.S. companies. Prices for the medicines have dropped so low that it has become difficult for U.S. manufacturers to compete with companies overseas.
One after another, generic drug makers have gone bankrupt or moved their operations overseas or cut the number of products they offer. The number of facilities making generic drugs in their final form in the U.S. has dropped by roughly 20% since 2018, to 243, according to federal data.

[Moi ici: Agora começa o outro lado] Drug shortages have become common. Today, 300 medicines are in short supply, according to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Regularly now, hospitals and patients must scramble to find doses of the drugs they need if there is one hiccup in a pinched supply chain or a quality problem shuts down a manufacturing line.
Today some crucial generic drugs now sell for $2 or less a pill or injection. India is now the No. 1 supplier of solid-form generic drugs to U.S. patients, according to the nonprofit U.S. Pharmacopeia. When it comes to making drugs, Asian countries usually have a cost structure 40% to 60% lower than Western nations, University of Minnesota economist Stephen Schondelmeyer told Congress earlier this year.
Clients typically pay USAntibiotics $5 for a common 30 pill amoxicillin pack, before marking it up more for patients, Jackson said. That covers the Bristol plant's production costs, which amount to about $4 per unit, but isn't enough to pay for overhead and other facility costs, he said.
To break even, USAntibiotics must double its commercial sales-or line up the U.S. government as a customer."

Queremos medicamentos baratos. Isso consegue-se com uma cadeia de fornecimento baseada na Ásia. No entanto, a incerteza da variabilidade na procura vai gerar falhas no fornecimento.

Por que nunca se pensou num sistema de compensação semelhante ao do pagamento de capacidade no sector eléctrico para o sector farmacêutico? E já agora, por que nunca se pensou num sistema de compensação semelhante ao do pagamento de capacidade no sector eléctrico para o sector agrícola

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