quarta-feira, agosto 28, 2024

Os vendedores tentam sempre aumentar os preços. Só o mercado livre restringe a sua capacidade de o fazer.

Li no WSJ do passado dia 20 de Agosto o artigo "'Greedflation' Is High-Priced Baloney"

"Since year-over-year inflation cooled to 2.9% in July from its 2022 peak of 9.1%, a search has begun for the culprit of the original inflation boost. Some politicians blame what they call "greedflation" or corporate "price gouging." The truth is that government economic intervention was the problem, and free-market policies are the only remedy.

If greedy businesspeople were responsible for price increases, then slowing inflation would mean they are becoming less greedy. But while producers often think they can set prices, they rarely can. It isn't because they aren't greedy they always try to change prices. It's because they can charge only what the market will bear. It takes two opposing sides to make a deal, and consumers always look for a bargain. If the buyer won't buy, the producer must lower the price or forgo the sale.


As Milton Friedman taught us, "inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output." Schemes like capping grocery prices have never controlled inflation. Vice President Kamala Harris should heed the lesson of President Richard Nixon's falled wage and price controls in 1971. Such measures create shortages and fuel ever more inflation by disrupting the pricing signals that match supply with demand. Only free markets, along with good fiscal and monetary policies, will provide us with the products we want while taming inflation."

Os vendedores tentam sempre aumentar os preços. Só o mercado livre restringe a sua capacidade de o fazer.

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