quarta-feira, julho 24, 2024

E coragem?

Do que eu gosto no texto que se segue é a postura tão pouco portuguesa de não usar paninhos quentes e olhar o touro bem de frente. 

Nem Costa, nem Montenegro, nem mesmo Rui Rocha têm coragem para dizer a verdade. 

"Japanese carmakers are alarmed by the rapid development of Chinese electric vehicles and risk becoming "followers" if they do not innovate more quickly, the head of Sony-Honda's joint venture has warned.
Yasuhide Mizuno said Japan's companies needed to change their conservative corporate culture and called for a breakthrough in manufacturing to keep up with Chinese rivals, which within a few years have become some of the world's leading vehicle exporters.
"Chinese competitors are very strong, and I'm very scared of their implementation and execution speed," said
Mizuno, chief executive of Sony Honda Mobility, at the company's headquarters in Tokyo. "Japanese carmakers are a bit nervous or sensitive before launching a car. We need to change this kind of behaviour, otherwise China will be first and we will always be followers," added Mizuno, who led Honda's China operations until 2020.
Mizuno added that Japanese carmakers should not be complacent after the US quadrupled tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles to 100 per cent, in effect shutting out groups such as BYD and Nio from the market."

Trechos retirados de "Japanese carmakers 'very scared' by China's rapid EV development

Entretanto, ontem de manhã, mão amiga tinha-me enviado um link para "Chinas Autobauer sind bereits innovativer als viele deutsche Konkurrenten" que defende que as empresas chinesas de carros eléctricos já são mais inovadoras do que as suas congéneres alemãs. Recordar esta "Curiosidade do dia".

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