sábado, julho 06, 2024

Curiosidade do dia

"Cada país tem o Biden que merece." 

Escreveram várias pessoas no Twitter ontem. 

Este é o mundo da pós-verdade. As palavras de Helena Garrido são poderosas: o que conta é a fé, o sentimento, que se danem as estatísticas.

BTW, Rafa é muito mais inteligente do que a média.

"This Euro 2024 clash could have been an all-time great quarter-final, and instead a part of it was stolen

Even his absence feels like a kind of presence. The cameras continue to seek him out. The fans in the stands in their replica Manchester United tops screech a little louder, scowl a little harder. The less he does, the more important he becomes. The more he disappears into this game, the heavier it feels, like a black hole sucking everything into its vortex.

And ultimately Portugal too. The sabotage is complete. One of the most talented squads ever assembled at this level of football disappears into that self same black hole, a Vegas-era Elvis act ultimately notable only for its ability to make us gawp and keep gawping. It's too awful to watch. It's too awful not to watch. The clock ticks into its third hour, the second quarterfinal suspended like a sentence that can never end, and yet with the knowledge of exactly how it ends. Meanwhile, Gonçalo Ramos and Diogo Jota sit on the bench.


But at least France know how to function without their captain. Portugal, by contrast, are still wedded to theirs, the chain-wrapped anvil that will eventually bring them all down. There is little point giving him anything to chase, or playing any pass to him longer than about 20 yards. If he peels to the left wing in the 53rd minute, he won't make it back into the centre until the 55th. He misses terribly from close range. He claims another freekick from an impossible angle, and somehow manages to hit all three players in the wall.

In a way, it's hard not to feel resentful of him: resentful of the way this grand, galaxy-sized occasion is ultimately reduced to a function of one man's ego. This could have been an all-time great quarter-final, and instead a part of it was stolen: stolen ball possession, stolen attention, stolen minutes from better players who actually deserve to be there, rather than a pure anachronism trotting out simply because no one has the clout to tell him not to."

Goethe escreveu: "An old man is always a King Lear." 

A cara dos morcões perante alguém com eles no sítio.

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