Na passada segunda-feira o WSJ incluia o artigo "Supply-Chain Overhaul Boosts GE Appliances' Sales":
"GE Appliances, one of the largest home-appliances manufacturers in the U.s., says a
$2 billion effort to remake its supply chain has helped it double revenue since 2017.
It is an example of how companies are resetting their supply chains to be more flexible, moves that come after retailers and household goods companies navigated disruptions, shipping delays and dramatic shifts in consumer demand during a chaotic period marked by waves of stockouts and overstocking.
"A lot of companies are really striving to create increased visibility in their supply chains and also to build greater resilience in their supply chains,"
One of the biggest changes has been to bring more manufacturing into the U.S. from Asia. GE Appliances has added 4,000 manufacturing jobs across its nine U.S. plants over the past seven years. Shifting production from overseas has cut shipping costs by reducing the number of bulky appliances that are sent across the Pacific Ocean and has given GE Appliances more control over production.
"When you have something that's in a container on a boat for six weeks, it's difficult to change your orders and be able to adjust to shifts in demand," said North Carolina State's Handfield.
The company previously tracked "weeks on hand," which measures finished products relative to how many units typically sell in a given week. It now tracks customer orders delivered on time and in full, a measure that prioritizes existing orders so the company doesn't spend time manufacturing items that aren't in demand, Brey said.
"I want to make product as close to when the customer is going to want it as possible," Brey said."
A típica PME portuguesa não tem marca própria, mas pode procurar aproveitar esta tendência junto de marcas que operam no mercado europeu. Essas marcas procuram:
- Mais flexibilidade da cadeia de abastecimento: Vão ter de investir em tornar as cadeias de abastecimento mais adaptáveis para lidar com perturbações e alterações nas condições do mercado.
- Repensar a localização da produção: Vão procurar aproximar a produção dos principais mercados para reduzir os custos de envio e melhorar os tempos de resposta à procura. Lidar com a incerteza e aumentar a rotação do inventário.
- Produzir no regime "make to order": Querem alinhar a produção mais estreitamente com os pedidos reais dos clientes para reduzir o excesso de inventário e melhorar a eficiência.
Talvez a típica PME portuguesa tenha de rever:
- As ferramentas digitais que usa para melhorar a visibilidade em toda a cadeia de abastecimento, desde a produção até aos pedidos dos clientes.
- Os métodos de rastreio do inventário para os tornar mais precisos, com o foco em ter os produtos certos, nos locais certos, no momento certo.
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