sexta-feira, maio 10, 2024

Os custos do futuro, aquela parte que a Mariana não percebe

No FT do passado dia 9 de Maio, "Toyota projects 20% annual profit fall":

"Toyota has forecast a 20 per cent decline in annual profit as the world's largest carmaker increases spending in electric vehicles and artificial intelligence in an attempt to create a "game changer" to compete against Chinese rivals."

Aquela parte que Mariana Mortágua não percebe, os custos do futuro.

"Toyota chief executive Koji Sato on Wednesday said the Japanese group would focus on "cementing its position" and ensure growth by reshaping its hardware-focused business model to include mobility services and software."

Recordo Drucker acerca de Schumpeter:

"As soon, however, as one shifts from the axiom of an unchanging, self-contained, closed economy to Schumpeter's dynamic, growing, moving, changing economy, what is called profit is on longer immoral. It becomes a moral imperative. Indeed, the question then is no longer the question that agitated the classicists and still agitated Keynes: How can the economy be structured to minimize the bribe of the functionless surplus called profit that has to be handed over to the capitalist to keep the economy going?

The question in Schumpeter's economics is always, Is there sufficient profit? Is there adequate capital formation to provide for the costs of the future, the costs of staying in business, the costs of "creative destruction"?

This alone makes Schumpeter's economic model the only one that can serve as the starting point for the economic policies we need."

A seguir ao 25 de Abril quantas empresas industriais nacionalizadas foram capazes de investir no seu futuro?

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