quinta-feira, novembro 09, 2023

"the four top villains of decision-making"

"If you think about a normal decision process, it usually proceeds in four steps:

  • You encounter a choice.
  • You analyze your options.
  • You make a choice.
  • Then you live with it.

And what we've seen is that there is a villain that afflicts each of these stages:

  • You encounter a choice. But narrow framing makes you miss options.
  • You analyze your options. But the confirmation bias leads you to gather self-serving information.
  • You make a choice. But short-term emotion will often tempt you to make the wrong one.
  • Then you live with it. But you'll often be overconfident about how the future will unfold.

So, at this point, we know what we're up against. We know the four top villains of decision-making. We also know that the classic pros-and-cons approach is not well suited to fighting these villains; in fact, it doesn't meaningfully counteract any of them."

Trecho retirado de "DECISIVE - How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work" de Chip Heath and Dan Heath.

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