sexta-feira, dezembro 09, 2022

Que resultados e que comportamentos?

O livro "Step Up, Step Back: How to Really Deliver Strategic Change in Your Organization" está a ser uma agradável surpresa. Conta novidades? Não, mas apresenta-as de uma forma clara e escorreita.

Por exemplo, algo na linha do que aprendemos sobre a blitzkrieg e a sua transposição para o mundo dos negócios em "Specifying too much detail actually shakes confidence and creates uncertainty " e em Liberdade no terreno em:

"Element 3 of Clarity: Specify the outcomes and behaviors you want 

Having explained why the change is needed and why now; and how it fits with what's gone before, it would be tempting now to get down to some activities. But that's the old approach. What leaders need to do now is dial down that urge for action and instead spend more time thinking and talking about what this new strategy will produce.

The first critical part of doing this well is to talk about outcomes (rather than activities) and to specify targets for the outcomes you want the new strategy to deliver. This is essential if managers are to be able to make good decisions about which activities to work on. Without, an outcome to target, they're deciding blind.

[Moi ici: Li o texto que se segue na viagem de comboio na passada quarta feira à noite. Entretanto, nessa manhã, durante a caminhada matinal, tinha guardado a figura acima ao tirá-la do Twitter] Now a step change by definition is not something that can be delivered in the short term. To help people understand this, leaders should also structure the new target outcomes over different time frames. 

Specifically, there should be a long-dated, multi-year target for the big performance improvement that's being asked for, and then shorter-term milestones to help track progress. Note that the target is not the milestones themselves - these are just signposts along the way. The target is the big, hairy, multi-year objective. And the combination of these different metrics (both targets and milestones) across different time frames means long-term change is set up to succeed. 

Finally, to help people translate these outcomes into action, leaders should also communicate the new behaviors they are expecting to see. This means people can start making immediate changes (in the behavior) even before they're able to change what they 're working at (their activities).

is explaining the change in terms of the outcomes he's expecting to see. By being clear and prescriptive about the outcome, he then didn't have to be prescriptive about which activities would be worked on. He could, instead, leave the choice of which projects to work on to managers further down the organization. After all, managers were closer to the business and better understood the processes and activities that would deliver this outcome. And because managers knew what they had to deliver (because they had a clear outcome to target), they could decide, within this constraint, which activities would best achieve this."

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