quarta-feira, junho 01, 2022

"we look for an important asymmetry"

"In business competition, one cannot expect to make a profit without some source of advantage. We look for advantage in four basic places: in information, knowing something that others do not; in know-how, having a skill, or patent, that others do not have; in position, having a reputation, brand, or existing market system (for example, distribution, supply chains) that others cannot readily imitate or push aside; in efficiency, whether based on scale, technology, experience, or other factor that others cannot easily attain; and in the management of systems, whether bridging complexity or moving with speed and precision, that others do not have. In each case, we look for an important asymmetry, one that can be turned to advantage, between you and competitors"

Em busca de uma oportunidade para criar concorrência imperfeita.

Trecho retirado de "The Crux - How Leaders Become Strategists" de Richard P. Rumelt. 

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