segunda-feira, março 07, 2022

O caos cria a possibilidade


"Industrial systems thrive on predictability. [Moi ici: Recordo o que aprendi em Julho de 2017 sobre o Sistema Toyota de Produção, mas que ninguém refere "These practices are combined with the tradition within Toyota Production System of freezing the production schedule eight weeks before production begins, which substantially reduces responsiveness."] It smooths out the supply chain, improves efficiency and makes many of the participants more comfortable. [Moi ici: Por isso, sublinhei em Para reflexão a importância do Slack]

Tomorrow is like yesterday, but perhaps a little faster or cheaper.

But breakthroughs, creativity, and human connection don’t come from predictability. They come from unpredictable interactions with unknown ideas and voices. [Moi ici: Li há tempos, não fixei a fonte, que testar novidades implica tolerar ineficiências]

Just about all bestsellers are surprise bestsellers. All big ideas come out of left field. But if you spend your time looking at left field, they’ll come out of right field instead.

Chaos is uncomfortable, particularly if you’ve been indoctrinated in the industrial mindset. But if the right people and the right conditions are present, chaos creates possibility. [Moi ici: O que implica mentes livres de modelos mentais castradores... impressionante, 13 anos depois ainda recordo o suiço que produzia azeite]

Do it with intent."

Trechos retirados de "Chaos, connection and industrial systems"

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