domingo, fevereiro 13, 2022

"o que é diferente são as escolhas feitas por quem lidera as empresas"

"However, if these firms are within the same economy, these differences in the choice of inputs must reflect either the fact that they face different factor prices at the same time or the fact that they are making different technological choices given the same factor prices; either assumption presents difficulties for the neoclassical formulation that have not really been confronted.


Exploration of technologies that have not been used before involves in an essential way the characteristics of "innovation" that we described earlier. If this position is accepted, it is not merely that movements along preexisting production functions explain little of experienced growth. It is that the idea of movements along with the production function into the previously unexperienced regions-the conceptual core of the neoclassical explanation of growth must be rejected as a theoretical concept.


However, in either case, as long as firms differ in terms of what they come up with as a result of their research and development activities, firms will differ in terms of their profitability."

Há anos que escrevo aqui no blogue sobre o papel das escolhas das empresas. O governo é o mesmo, as leis são as mesmas, o povo é o mesmo... o que é diferente são as escolhas feitas por quem lidera as empresas.

Trechos retirados de "An evolutionary theory of economic change" de Richard Nelson e Sidney Winter.

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