sábado, outubro 30, 2021

Subam os preços!

Vivemos tempos que eu nunca pensei viver. Parece que voltamos ao tempo em que a oferta é menor do que a procura. Ontem estive numa empresa que está a triplicar as vendas de 2020 e 2020 tinha sido melhor do que 2019. Outra, está a ser inundada de pedidos de clientes novos de Espanha. A minha reacção instintiva foi: subam os preços!!! 

E o que senti em resposta foi um olhar de receio: 

"Reasons not to raise prices.

Most businesses will go through extreme measures to delay or avoid raising prices. There are several reasons for this:


Competitive pressure

In hyper-competitive markets with ample supply, raising prices may drive away customers. This is common in transportation, hospitality, and commodities. However, if your industry is currently experiencing supply shortages, you are more likely to lose market share from product shortages than from price increases. In that case, you are better off governing demand through price increases.



The #1 reason small businesses do not raise prices is fear. People are uncomfortable with change, and altering pricing is a big change. Pricing is more than a financial decision: pricing changes your brand, marketing, operations, and sales. It alienates some customers and attracts others. To change pricing is so scary, most businesses will go years between price adjustments.

How price increases impact your business.

Pricing affects nearly every part of your business. Small price increases of less than 5% may not cause much disruption


Your branding shifts to a premium focus.

With higher prices, you signal to the market your goods or services are higher quality than the competition. Your marketing needs to shift to embrace this positioning. 


You lose cheap customers.

Every business has customers who expect a lot but want to pay little. Raising your prices naturally weeds out the cheap customers, saving your customer service and sales team many headaches! The downside is you might also weed out a small business customer you love to work with who now can no longer afford your brand.

Operations shifts from volume-focus to quality-focus. [Moi ici: Esta é, talvez, a mudança mais difícil de entranhar... recordar os anfíbios]

Low-price businesses are focused on volume and efficiency. High-price businesses are focused on quality, timeliness, and experience. To meet the expectations of your new premium customers, you will need to shift your staff's focus. [Moi ici: Eu concentrar-me-ia mais nos decisores, antes de ir aos operacionais


Should you raise your prices?

The right pricing strategy will depend on your business and your industry. I recommend performing a full competitive pricing analysis to determine the best course of action. If you do not have the time or resources for a full pricing analysis, here's a rule of thumb:

If there are shortages in your industry, you should raise prices."

BTW, não pretendo passar a mensagem, julgo que este blogue com quase 20 anos é testemunha disso, de que a relação entre fornecedor e cliente/consumidor tem de ser uma guerra, mas o mindset da imprensa é a favor dos clientes/consumidores. Recordar o que recomendo aos agricultores: deixar de pensar que existem para aliviar a fome no mundo, ninguém lhes paga por isso.

Trechos retirados de "Why it's Time to Think About Raising Your Prices"

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