Ontem ao final do dia vi
"mas por trás toma decisões deliberadas que a minam, porque se acha mais esperto que os outros, porque acha que pode vender gato por lebre. Há dias estava a pensar num empresário que está a seguir este caminho e pensei nos anfíbios que andam por terra, mas quando sentem perigo fogem para a água a toda a velocidade. Aqui a água é a recordação de um tempo anterior onde se sentia à vontade e tinha bons resultados."
Entretanto, no vídeo apanho Karl Weick a dizer:
14:58 - "if you go into an organization under stress and you're trying to figure out how its operating take everybody who matters or who you're watching see what their position was before the position they are now in and that is how that organization by and large is likely to be functioning take the organization take all of the people who are there pull them down one level, the level at which they were before they got to their new position and that's the way that organization is functioning and it'll make sense out of it surprisingly quickly for you and all it is and it's not trivial is another example of people under pressure falling back on ways of learning that were more familiar with and that they've done for a longer period of time you can"
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