segunda-feira, setembro 20, 2021

“When do I know it is time to rethink my strategy?”

Um artigo interessante e com um bom timing, "Strategy in the Face of Discontinuity To Do, Or Not To Do?", de Roger Martin. Recomendo a leitura:

"“When do I know it is time to rethink my strategy?” 


In due course, nearly every company will face some sort of discontinuity. It could be a discontinuity in the business environment due to government change as with Peru. But equally, the discontinuity can occur due to the arrival of a new technology — the automobile, the transistor, the digital switch, the Internet. 


It is difficult for a company facing one of these discontinuities to know how to respond. It doesn’t want to be in the position of acting as if the sky is falling and totally throwing out its strategy when that isn’t either necessary or productive. But equally, it doesn’t want to be the next Blockbuster and be written up as the ultimate case study in sticking your head in the sand until you die.

To do or not to do? Do you significantly alter your strategy, or do you stick it out with the current strategy? That is the question."

Depois, Roger Martin apresenta a sua proposta de abordagem à pergunta seguindo a sua técnica: "what would have to be true?" 

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