Part I and part II e part IIIa.
4.2.5 Step 5 – The main processes
We will use the example of a public works company, civil construction, as a basis for modeling an organization. A public works company is an organization that lives based on construction works, each construction works is put out to tender by the owners of the projects, so in an organization of this type the main steps may be:
These main steps represent the core processes of the organization (I call them the Cristiano Ronaldo of the business), those that are triggered by a customer's need and aim to satisfy that need, thus serving the customer. What happens between those two customer states? What actions, what activities do you do when going from one extreme into the other?
In this way, the main processes necessary to complete the change in the status of customers are identified.
4.2.6 Step 6 – The supporting processes
Once the core processes are identified, the support processes that allow the customer service vector to continue to function in the long term must be identified. These are processes that are not directly related to an order, or work, in particular, but necessary to deal with various orders or other types of requests. These are processes normally associated with resources (materials, services, people, machines, financial, ...).
The process "Supply equipment" ensures that the works have the appropriate equipment to run without equipment shortages, and also ensures preventive and curative maintenance.
The process "Supply material and service" ensures the adequate and timely supply of materials and services essential to the development of the work, it also ensures the qualification, selection, performance evaluation, classification, and re-evaluation of suppliers and subcontractors.
Some organizations linked to construction and public works, with which we have worked in the past, given the particularities of their market, have chosen processes to support financial management (which included credit insurance, collections, payments) we will not do it here to keep the model simple.
The process "Train people" converts potential employees selected from the job market, into employees of the organization. It improves the skills of employees by receiving, analyzing, and closing gaps in the profile of people who occupy the various functions.
4.2.7 Step 7 – The leading process
Finally, the last process, the process "Lead the organization", a process where top management sets direction, sets objectives, and analyzes the performance of the organization, which evaluates the degree of fulfillment of the purpose, its raison d'être, and proposes new performance challenges and proposes changes in processes in order to leverage the organization to higher levels of performance.
4.3 - Final remarks
Why do I use here these egg fried shapes to represent processes, instead of well-ordered squares like in the figure below?
In doing so, I intend to emphasize and awaken a spirit of humility, our models are not descriptions of reality full of certainties. We look at the world, at reality and we see complexity, mystery, confusion, disorder and problems, challenges of various kinds, and what we do is to organize our exploration of that world based on theories, on simplified approximations of reality, approaches that they make it possible to analyze the world and issue attempts to explain what exists, reality, performance, results and outline plans for the future, in order to influence behavior and induce future results for this part of the reality that interests us.
The amoeba shape, to the detriment of the rectangle, reminds us that our theories are just that, theories, hypotheses, representations, and have no ontological substance of their own, they are not palpable realities, they are nothing but artifices of the human intellect, and as such, they are not definitive can always be improved. Learning takes place through conscious comparison between the organization, as we perceive it, and the organization as we interpret it with theoretical models, our models are like artificial islands that we create, and we have geographically strategically available to cross an ocean of complexity and disorganization.

The central arrow is the heart of the organization – these are the main processes, everybody should be working to support these processes because they serve clients. That is the job and purpose of the supporting processes, they exist to serve the main processes. You know that winter sport called curling? Like in curling everybody in the organization should be mopping the floor to reduce friction, to easy, to facilitate customer service through the main processes.
The leading process is the brain of the organization, it is here that direction is set, objectives are set, performance is monitored and decisions made.
In the next part, we will relate processes and strategy.
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