sexta-feira, janeiro 15, 2021

Acerca da inovação (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

Gary Klein continua por uma via interessante. Lista uma série de erros óbvios que cometemos, aquilo a que no dia a dia apelidamos de estupidezes. Chegar a casa e perceber que se deixou a chave da porta no escritório, por exemplo:

"Examples of stupidity put actual insights into perspective. They suggest that we often engage in the insight strategies even for everyday activities that don’t count as insights. We continually make connections, look for implications, spot inconsistencies, and challenge weak assumptions. When we’re on automatic pilot, and the connections and contradictions are obvious, we don’t give ourselves credit for noticing them. 

We do give ourselves discredit for missing them. When we fail to make obvious connections, when we miss obvious anomalies and inconsistencies, when we get hung up on assumptions that are clearly wrong, we are guilty of stupidity. Perhaps each insight pathway in the Triple Path Model could be treated as a continuum from stupidity to insight, with normal alertness in between. Stupidity and insight would then be two bookends―the two poles of each continuum.


Eventually, I arrived at four reasons that we might miss the chance to have an insight: flawed beliefs, lack of experience, a passive stance, and a concrete reasoning style."

Mas cuidado com as generalizações. Por exemplo, acerca dos "Flawed Beliefs":
"These examples present a clear lesson: people gripped by a flawed theory can ignore, explain away, or distort evidence that could lead to insights. Therefore, we may be tempted to conclude that people should trust data, not their theories. We don’t want people to fixate on their theories. Except that we don’t want people to fixate on data either.
There’s no simple guidance here. Holding on to a flawed theory can be a mistake, but so can trusting flawed data. Tenaciously clinging to a belief despite contrary evidence can be a mistake, but so can prematurely discarding a belief at the first encounter with contrary evidence. All we can conclude is that we’re likely to miss the insight if we rely on a flawed belief, either in a theory or in data, and we make it worse if we’re pigheaded and fixate on that belief. As the saying goes, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

The more central the belief is to our thinking, the harder it is to give up. These core beliefs anchor our understanding. We use them to make sense of events, to inquire, and to arrive at judgments about other ideas. And so we are much more likely to explain away any anomalies rather than revise our beliefs in the face of them."


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