sexta-feira, dezembro 04, 2020

Mercado como um sistema complexo em permanente adaptação

"Markets are a classic case of a complex adaptive system (CAS). Mathematicians developed CASs as a distinct category between systems that are ordered but very complicated, like the flight deck of a modern airliner, and outright chaotic systems, like weather, which is subject to the famous “butterfly effect.


Because CASs don’t obey ordinary laws of cause and effect, we have to throw out the simplistic view of markets as supply-and-demand curves. Also heading for the trash can is the old, linear view of strategy as a detailed master plan drawn up in phase one and executed in phase two.


The firm is one of the agents or actors, inside the market system. Although CASs don’t follow ordinary cause and effect in a way that even an expert consultant can predict, they are amenable to a degree of influence by their parts, and those include the firm.


CAS tells us that markets will continually evolve  and that we’ll have to deal with it! ... They do not pre-exist as eternal givens. Neither do they pop magically into and out of existence, nor are they fixed while they’re around."

 Trechos retirados de SMASH: Using Market Shaping to Design New Strategies for Innovation, Value Creation, and Growth de Kaj Storbacka e Suvi Nenonen. 

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