sábado, janeiro 04, 2020

Serviços e a abordagem por processos

Em Novembro de 2008 aqui no blogue escrevi:
"A abordagem por processos é uma ferramenta excepcional, por exemplo, transformamos um serviço, algo de difuso, algo de escorregadio, numa realidade semelhante a um processo industrial, muito mais fácil de analisar."
Agora, em "An 8-step guide for improving workplace processes":
"“It's easy to get caught up in a situation where you're doing so much firefighting that you don't ever have time to put out the fire permanently,”
“You don't have time to make things better. All you're doing is just getting up every day and trying to avoid disaster.”
This is a common scenario for knowledge-based workers. It’s difficult for workers to even acknowledge they are struggling, let alone find and fix the source of the problem.
Visualizing work processes with tools like Post-it notes leads to efficiency...
Most knowledge work processes have hardly been designed at all. People just start doing them and then they make ad hoc changes as they go.
For managers, the huge potential there is to start looking at their knowledge work processes with the same level of systematization or rigor that you would with the physical work.”

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