sexta-feira, dezembro 06, 2019

Falta de trabalhadores (parte II)

Na sequência de "Falta de trabalhadores" um pouco por todo o lado a mesma coisa, falta de pessoal:
"Here’s the good news: There are now more reasons to make furniture in the U.S. than at any point since the financial crisis.
Here’s the bad news: There aren’t enough skilled workers available to support the renaissance.
Manufacturers across the country are struggling to fill open slots in a tight U.S. labor market. Furniture companies, which for decades have been hit by competition from China, face special challenges after years of shrinking.
The turnabout for a once-beleaguered sector has been spurred in part by the internet, which has reshaped shoppers’ behavior and expectations. Consumers demand their choice of fabrics and features but don’t have the patience to wait two months for an item to arrive from Asia. At the same time, tariffs are stepping up pressure on American manufacturers to move production home."
Acho particularmente interessante este trecho que se segue:
"“Parents would say, ‘Stay away. You will lose your job,’ ” said Bill McBrayer, director of human resources for Lexington Home Brands, a furniture maker in Thomasville, N.C. “How do we get the young and old to come back to the industry?”
Furniture makers are also, for the first time, creating internal training programs and adding benefits.[Moi ici: Impressionante a quantidade de cursos até 8 semanas criados pelas empresas e suas associações para formar os trabalhadores. Costura, soldadura, ...]
“The toughest question,” the 61-year-old executive said, “is the one that haunts us forever: What makes me think that if my child goes into this industry it will be there in two years?”"
 Por cá as empresas ainda têm de fazer o caminho de se afastarem da ideia de que o IEFP as vai ajudar. Recordo a Escola Oliveira Martins, uma escola criada pelas empresas de comércio da cidade do Porto para formar os seus futuros funcionários.

Trechos retirados de "Labor Shortage Curbs U.S. Furniture Revival"

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