segunda-feira, outubro 28, 2019

Stupid Cassandras, não vêem o oásis

“Andy Grove articulated this point in his original work on strategic inflection points. Before the pattern is clear, he said, you have to let a certain amount of chaos reign. Lots of inputs, lots of ideas, and lots of arguments are essential. Only after you have sufficient information (the weak signals have become strong enough) should you coalesce the organization around a selected strategic path.
Absolute candor—and the willingness to confront unpleasant information—is crucial here. Wishing things were different is a recipe for corporate disaster.
leaders should search for the presence of anomalies—events that occur outside the expected range. Taking in lots of information is seen as critical to seeing emergent patterns. Taleb points out an interesting approach to getting high-quality information: “Don’t take advice from those who are not at risk” for the consequences of a possible inflection point.
High-performing CEOs are unanimously alike in this one thing: they insist on total candor and brutal truth, even if it challenges their previously held assumptions.
Crescive leaders listen to alarmists—those people who occasionally are dismissed as Cassandras for conveying bad news. Instead of immediately dismissing them, we should think of them instead as “helpful Cassandras,” who broaden the range of outcomes we are considering or who are exposed to subtle or key inputs that are different from those we normally see.”
Li isto e comparei com o que tinha acabado de ler no jornal Público de ontem:
 Entretanto, sob um outro paradigma, "Innovationskraft sinkt: Der deutsche Mittelstand verschläft die Zukunft":
"Demnach verfügt nur ein Viertel der Unternehmen über die nötige Innovationskompetenz und -kultur, um ihre Wettbewerbsposition langfristig zu sichern. Fast die Hälfte der Firmen hat es dagegen in den zurückliegenden Jahren verpasst, ihr Innovationsprofil an neue Bedingungen anzupassen. Das trifft vor allem auf kleinere und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) zu. „Verpassen diese KMU den Zeitpunkt für den notwendigen Strukturwandel hin zu mehr Innovationsfähigkeit, können sie und ihre Beschäftigten schnell zu Opfern veränderter Marktbedingungen werden“, warnt Armando García Schmidt von der Bertelsmann Stiftung."
Stupid Cassandras Germans ... comparar com os discursos de tomada de posse por cá.

Trechos retirado de “Seeing Around Corners” de Rita McGrath.

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