terça-feira, outubro 23, 2018

Mongo, micro-marcas, plancton, suckiness e emprego

Este texto, "How a creative army of micro producers drive Korean street style and influence fashion’s direction", acredito, é uma boa descrição do que iremos viver com mais frequência e naturalidade à medida que Mongo se instalar:
[bo-se] "the term came to mean any low-quality clothing. In the internet age it has a different meaning: highly customisable clothing ordered online, and made possible by an enterprising micro-brand producer/sewing shop that can handle small orders.
In outlet malls such as those in the Dongdaemun shopping district of Seoul, shop owners hawk smartly designed, trendy items selected from hundreds of tiny design-and-production shops. These are “brands” only in the sense they want to develop and maintain a reputation among the shop owners who curate their store collections for consumers.
The shop owners tend to want the edgiest, trendiest, and highest quality clothing they can get.
The micro-brand producers have tiny operations that cannot handle large orders on the scale of a fast-fashion giant such as H&M. So the supply of a typical design is limited and its production run short, allowing producers to switch to making new items in response to the whims of consumers. This means a design is only available for a fraction of a fashion season
This system of micro producers making small batches of a design that is only in stores for a matter of weeks gives the clothes a uniqueness and encourages producers to be creative because the industry is so competitive. Anything that looks good and will sell has a chance to shine, however briefly."
Não se chega ao futuro mudando uma variável e mantendo todas as outras constantes. Tudo muda e muda ao mesmo tempo!

Comparem os clientes destas micro-marcas com o plancton dos anos 50, 60, 70, ... e a suckiness dos gigantes.

BTW, agora relacionem tudo isto com o emprego em Mongo.

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