"3. Lack of a Clear GapA third common mistake is failing to articulate a clear gap. These problem statements sound like “We need to improve our brand” or “Sales have to go up.” The lack of a clear gap means that people are not engaging in clear mental contrasting and creates two related problems. First, people don’t know when they have achieved the goal, making it difficult for them to feel good about their efforts. Second, when people address poorly formulated problems, they tend to do so with large, one-size-fits-all solutions that rarely produce the desired results.Como nascem as decisões de melhoria nas empresas? Que ferramentas são usadas para clarificar os problemas e que ferramentas são usadas para focar o âmbito dos problemas?
4. The Problem Is Too BigMany problem statements are too big. Broadly scoped problem formulations lead to large, costly, and slow initiatives; problem statements focused on an acute and specific manifestation lead to quick results, increasing both learning and confidence."
Quantas empresas usam gráficos e vez de tabelas?
Quantas usam cartas de controlo, diagramas de Pareto e histogramas?
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