terça-feira, junho 12, 2018

"formulate clear problem statements" (parte II)

Parte I.

"When the brain’s associative machine is confronted with a problem, it jumps to a solution based on experience. To complement that fast thinking with a more deliberate approach, structured problem-solving entails developing a logical argument that links the observed data to root causes and, eventually, to a solution. Developing this logical path increases the chance that you will leverage the strengths of conscious processing and may also create the conditions for generating and then evaluating an unconscious breakthrough. Creating an effective logical chain starts with a clear description of the problem and, in our experience, this is where most efforts fall short.
A good problem statement has five basic elements:
  • It references something the organization cares about and connects that element to a clear and specific goal; [Moi ici: Relevante e específico]
  • it contains a clear articulation of the gap between the current state and the goal; [Moi ici: Critério de sucesso claro]
  • the key variables — the target, the current state, and the gap — are quantifiable;

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