sexta-feira, janeiro 19, 2018

"an organization's fitness cannot be assessed in a vacuum"

"In 2004 I lacked this immunologist vocabulary, but I began to realize that an organization's fitness—like that of an organism—cannot be assessed in a vacuum; it is a product of compatibility with the surrounding environment.[Moi ici: Análise do contexto ao vivo e a coresUnderstanding that environment would be the key to understanding why we were failing and AQI [Moi ici: Al Qaeda Iraq] was winning. We may have had the best equipment and the best special operations units in the world, but we were not—as an organization—the best suited for that time and place. AQI was successful because the environment allowed it to be. A big piece of this was the failure of the Iraqi state, but an even bigger piece was something that extended beyond national borders—something that was temporal, not geographic. A great deal has been written about how the world has become "flatter" and faster. People are more connected, more mobile, and move faster than ever before. By lowering what economists call the "barriers to entry"—prohibitive costs associated with entering a market—these changes have ushered in a universe of new possibilities for players operating outside the conventional systems
In some ways, we had more in common with the plight of a Fortune 500 company trying to fight off a swarm of start-ups than we did with the Allied command battling Nazi Germany in World War II.
If we couldn't change the environment to suit us better, we would have to change to suit it. The question was how. We were not a handful of renegade fighters operating outside the law and making it up on the fly. The Task Force was a large, institutionalized, disciplined military machine. Though more agile than most forces, we were still a veritable leviathan in comparison with AQI. How do you train a leviathan to improvise?"
Como não recuar a Janeiro de 2007 e recordar as tropas israelitas e o Hezbollah no Líbano. Completamente aplicável às empresas que querem triunfar em Mongo!!!

Trechos retirados de "Team of Teams: The Power of Small Groups in a Fragmented World" de Stanley McChrystal e Chris Fussell

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