sábado, novembro 04, 2017

Os dias pacatos que antecedem o quadragésimo oitavo dia

Vivemos aqueles dias pacatos que antecedem o quadragésimo oitavo dia:
"It's already been a terrible year for traditional retailers.
Thus far, the industry has announced plans to close 6,700 stores this year, more than any other year on record, and there's still two months left in 2017.
It's clear what's driving this shake-up. The rise of e-commerce is making brick-and-mortar stores less appealing, and mall traffic has subsequently declined, pressuring even strong companies.
Nike ... more than two thirds of growth is expected to come from the digital channel during that time.
More importantly, Nike announced a massive revamp of its wholesale strategy, which includes emphasizing just 40 retailers out of the current 30,000 retailers it distributes to.
 "undifferentiated, mediocre retail won't survive," adding, "We will be shifting away from this over the next five years."
It's clear now that the company's focus will be on the digital sales channel and premium in-store experiences like the ones above. Simply distributing sneakers to stores is no longer a priority. The internet makes those access points unnecessary.
The old industry saying, "Pile 'em high and watch 'em fly," no longer plays. Retailers who want to survive will need to heed suppliers' wishes and become more experience-focused. In the digital age, the storefront, that once-crucial middleman, is no longer necessary. As Nike's Edwards said, some retailers will inevitably get left behind.
If 2017 was a bonfire for the retail sector, the coming years could turn it into a full-fledged inferno." 
O artigo é sobre a Nike, o artigo é sobre o comércio tradicional, o artigo é sobre as fábricas que produzem bens.

Por um lado as ameaças que se adivinham com esta revolução. Por outro lado as oportunidades que se podem desenhar e materializar com esta revolução.

Sem pensamento estratégico as ameaças ganham, com pensamento estratégico talvez se encontrem alternativas. E se os clientes das fábricas portugueses não tiverem pensamento estratégico de nada lhes adiantará ter o seu próprio pensamento se não arranjarem parcerias alternativas.

Recordar esta reflexão recente.

Trechos retirados de "Nike's plan to survive the retail apocalypse could destroy mediocre stores"

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