sexta-feira, agosto 11, 2017

Mongo - outra previsão

"I predict that over the next 25 years we should expect to see radical de-centralization in virtually every large human endeavor, from global businesses to educational institutions, nonprofits, and even governments themselves.
Within a single generation (at most, two), we will see nearly every large, top-down organization now in existence rendered nearly obsolete, supplanted or made irrelevant by decentralized, self-organizing groups of individuals. From giant manufacturing companies and world-scale software vendors to local, state, and national governments and bureaus, the tasks these organizations accomplish today are all likely to be accomplished instead by groups of individual people connected and empowered by technology. [Moi ici: Até aqui tudo em sintonia com a previsão que fazemos há anos acerca de Mongo. Até aqui em linha com as provocações que costumo fazer aos textos das consultoras grandes que trabalham para as multinacionais e que escondem esta possibilidade. Já o trecho que se segue não tem o meu acordo. Prevejo a ascensão das plataformas cooperativas numa segunda geração. Numa primeira fase as plataformas gigantes são necessárias para partir as leis do século XX criadas para proteger as corporações incumbents. Depois, a estratégia fará o seu aparecimento] Think about Uber, Taskrabbit, or Airbnb, and how these would be applied to large companies and governments.
The more efficiently technology connects us, the more radical this decentralization process will become. In 25 years it’s quite likely that a large number of today’s big industries, business models, and even government organizations will no longer exist, their functions sustained by looser, decentralized groups."
Trechos retirados de "My 25-Year Prediction: Radical Decentralization"

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