terça-feira, junho 06, 2017

Coisas versus experiências

"The bad news (or good, depending on your viewpoint) is that none of this is going to change. Work is going to become even more bitty and insecure. The concept of a “job for life” has seemed outmoded for a while now. In the future, it seems doubtful whether “jobs” as we know them will exist at all. Many, of course, will be done away with by the much- prophesied automated takeover of everything from truck driving to brain surgery. But that is only half the story. Something more basic is under threat: the entire edifice of office- based, nine-to-five employment that has defined our working lives for at least a century.
Such a future strikes fear into many.
Unemployment will rise. Wages may drop. A new model of welfare will have to emerge, to ensure that those pushed out of the workplace can survive.
On the other hand, lamenting the fact of change seems futile. There was nothing necessary, or inherently “right”, about the old model. It was simply what — before the advent of globalisation, the internet and widespread automation — made most sense.
Richard Ocejo’s Masters of Craft addresses one facet of this changing landscape: the revival of certain craft or artisanal jobs that were once cornerstones of the industrialised city. A growing number of educated young people, Ocejo notes, are forgoing well-paid careers  in the knowledge sector in favour of these “new-old” jobs.
Traditionally, professions such as bartending and butchery were low-status and poorly paid. Those who did them had few options. Today, while these jobs are still relatively poorly paid, they have become “cool”. And in their remade form, they provide services that are considerably higher-end — and more expensive — than ever before."
Mongo e a explosão de tribos na encruzilhada com a economia das experiências e o renascimento dos artesãos.

Como é que as empresas habituadas ao século XX vão integrar-se neste contexto? E os Estados?

Trechos retirados de "A job for life: the ‘new economy’ and the rise of the artisan career"

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