terça-feira, maio 30, 2017

Adeus Okun (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

Outro exemplo de como a economia do século XXI difere da economia do século XX. Basta pensar na UNICER e na sua evolução recente "Unicer fecha produção de cerveja em Santarém e centraliza fabrico em Leça do Balio" e comparar com Mongo nos Estados Unidos e a explosão das cervejas artesanais:
"America seems to be toasting her economic recovery with a cold one. After a seven-year slump from 2004 to 2010, the breweries industry (NAICS 312120) reversed direction in a hearty uptick at the end of the recession and has sprung up 44% in the past four years. With 35,675 brewery jobs in 2014 (compared to 26,519 in 2004 and only 24,864 in 2010) and average earnings of $82,044 per job, the industry is clearly in a happy spot.
Brewery establishments have more than tripled since 2004. This makes sense, given the job growth, but the difference since 2010 is that the establishments are also smaller, spreading out the workforce. In 2004, there were 384 establishments with an average of 69 workers per establishment. In 2014, there were 1,271 establishments with an average of only 30.6 workers per establishment."
Ou de outra forma:
"Combined with already existing and established breweries and brewpubs, craft brewers provided nearly 122,000 jobs, an increase of over 6,000 from the previous year.
“Small and independent brewers are a beacon for beer and our economy,” added Watson. “As breweries continue to open and volume increases, there is a strong need for workers to fill a whole host of positions at these small and growing businesses.”"
Enquanto o século XX dependia da eficiência o século XXI aposta na preferência.

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