segunda-feira, março 20, 2017

Que faz o quê no ecossistema

Fiquei contente por descobrir em "Dollarizing Differentiation Value: A Practical Guide for the Quantification and the Capture of Customer Value" coisas que escrevo aqui no blogue desde sempre e que não vejo muito replicadas:
"Finally, we have the common situation where you sell through distribution. This could be sales through an industrial distributor or solutions provider, but the most challenging situation is when you sell to consumers via a retailer. These B2B2C situations require two distinct value propositions and value stories, which means you have to expend twice the effort. You can't afford to skip one of these dollarization and story creation efforts if you want to know the full size of your value pool and take advantage of it. The retailer will require the kinds of argumentation you have created in this process so far: rational, fact-driven, professional, and fully dollarized, as I explain in figure 7.10. 

The consumer story may also be dollarized, but it will depend heavily on an emotional component, too. You are using your stories to manage and influence perceptions. Getting close to consumers changes how you extract information, manage differentiation, and do the dollarization. Start by talking to customers first, getting their vocabulary, and getting the facts or a range of facts. But keep in mind that the benefits are often emotional in a way that may defy straightforward dollarization.
Your strongest position comes when you can demonstrate a "pull" effect for the retailers, which means you can document that your value stories to consumers are driving demand in general—in the best case, demand at that particular retailer. The same kinds of communication challenges exist in any multichannel situation, as described in figure 7.11. You have to understand who does what in your ecosystem, [Moi ici: Até o termo ecossistema é um termo com marca registada aqui no blogue!!!] and therefore who is a recipient of messages and who is both a recipient and a multiplier. You need to understand who you are talking to and what kinds of value messages they want to hear on their own terms."
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