First-mover is not an unfair advantage, but an unfair disadvantage.— Ash Maurya (@ashmaurya) December 16, 2016
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Em linha com uma opinião de anos. Recordar Abril de 2007:eheheh— Carlos P da Cruz (@ccz1) December 16, 2016
those concentrated on the technical side paving the road for those that care for the customer side
"Assim, se a novidade tiver realmente potencial, a ALTEX pode estar a abrir, a pavimentar o caminho, para terceiros. Alguém no mercado, pode aperceber-se da vantagem tecnológica dos novos produtos da ALTEX, mas como não os desenvolveu, pode sentir e praticar um espírito de humildade, e aparecer à posteriori no mercado, com um produto parecido com o inovador, e um serviço diferenciador!!!"Entretanto, ontem encontrei isto:
"we don’t believe there is any one right way to identify Jobs to Be Done. We’ve chosen to include here some ideas that may provide a different view through a jobs lens. As Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is fond of quoting, “Perspective is worth 80 I.Q. points.”Trechos retirados de "Competing against luck"
A jobs lens changes what you see: the priorities and tradeoffs that customers are willing to make may look completely different, the competitive landscape shifts to a surprising cast of characters, and opportunity for growth appears where none might have seemed possible. Jobs are all around us, but it helps to know where to look and how to interpret what you find."
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