domingo, dezembro 18, 2016

Uma novela sobre Mongo (parte IV)

Parte Iparte II e parte III.
"I hear a man’s words, and I see into his soul.
The words we use shape the values we have. They shape the values and belief systems of the societies we live in.
The language used in corporate environments tells us much about the true value systems and culture of an organisation.
ConsumersConsumer. What a terrible way to refer to a person or group of people. Even pond scum can be defined using the word ‘consumer’. It’s such a detached way to refer to people, it’s as if all that can be seen is a mouth, a set of teeth and a gut. And it’s a classic example of large corporations forgetting they’re doing business with real people who have emotions, dreams and aspirations by defining them as a kind of parasite of commerce. If it sounds ugly, we need look no further than the definitions of the word ‘consume’ as a reminder.
Markets follow conversation The words we use are of vital strategic importance. It’s not just a matter of simple semantics. It has an important strategic impact on the way we approach the marketplace. As soon as any brand or company defines the people it sells its wares to as ‘consumers’ it impacts the overriding corporate culture. The rot sets in. It creates a cadre of behaviours that lead to poor business decisions. It’s a volumetric, non-human measure by nature, so it leads brands down a path where they want that faceless mass to buy and use more. It entices companies to build an infrastructure around serving masses and reducing input costs. This invariably leads to a corporate factory mindset where brands must sell more, prices must be reduced and market share must grow in volume terms. This leads to the inevitable death spiral of commoditisation and price focus. Defining people in this way stymies innovation. It creates an illusion of what a company should be doing in the first instance. It shifts the company focus onto the products they sell instead of the solutions they create. By defining people as the ‘absorbers’ of what is made, they’re hardly likely to find a better way to serve the needs of people. How can anyone possibly connect to and understand who they serve when those they serve are objectified into a product-usage behaviour?"
Trechos retirados de "The Great Fragmentation : why the future of business is small" de Steve Sammartino.

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