sexta-feira, novembro 18, 2016

Satisfação de clientes, CCR e ISO 9001

""The changes that will put a company out of business are those that happen outside the light of its current expectations."
But, when researchers pursue the wrong topics or the wrong participants, they often get the wrong answers. How can you ensure that you find what you don't even know you should look for? How can you get outside a box you don't know you're in? Think about conducting some customer case research (CCR).
It uses interviews and observation to trace the full stories of how real customers spend real money in a product category.
Under certain circumstances, even the most loyal customers don't do what they usually do. Attitudes alone do not determine behavior."
Ontem, num projecto ISO 9001, numa empresa a discutir como faria sentido, para aquela empresa em particular, avaliar a satisfação dos seus clientes não pude deixar de pensar:

Acabamos por ficar numa versão assente em entrevista a clientes-chave com base num guião de perguntas

Trechos retirados de "Looking 'Outside the Box'" de Gerald Berstell [não conhecia este autor, tenho gostado do que li no último mês. Outra vantagem de ler Alan Klement, a bibliografia] Denise Nitterhouse, Marketing Research Summer 1997.

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