quinta-feira, novembro 17, 2016

A arte da renúncia

Ainda acerca da estratégia e da renúncia, (renunciar é tão difícil) na introdução do livro "The Laws of Subtraction" encontro:
"At the heart of every difficult decision lie three tough choices: What to pursue versus what to ignore. What to leave in versus what to leave out. What to do versus what to don't. I have discovered that if you focus on the second half of each choice—what to ignore, what to leave out, what to don't—the decision becomes exponentially easier and simpler. The key is to remove the stupid stuff: ... Better yet, refrain from add-ing them in the first place.
This is the art of subtraction: when you remove just the right thing in just the right way, something good usually happens.
I believe subtraction is the path through the haze and maze, one that can allow us to create clarity from complexity and to wage and win the war against the common enemy of excess.
That's not easy, because subtraction doesn't come naturally or intuitively—not to me, not to anyone. From the days of our ancestors on the savanna, we are hardwired to add and accumulate, hoard and store."
Quando não se renuncia:

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