sexta-feira, outubro 14, 2016

Sair da frente e não estorvar

Por um lado, lido ao final do dia de ontem:
"existem nos 28 países da União Europeia dois grupos distintos: a) os que optaram por pequenos ou nulos deficits orçamentais, por dívidas públicas inferiores a 60% do PIB, e por oferecerem às suas empresas condições favoráveis de competitividade, nomeadamente com uma legislação laboral flexível, com impostos baixos, e com apoios às despesas de investigação e inovação. Estes países alcançaram, por regra, taxas elevadas de crescimento.
b) os países que optaram por grandes deficits orçamentais e elevadas dívidas públicas, ignorando, em boa medida, os factores de competitividade das empresas. Registaram, por regra, taxas de crescimento reduzidas ou mesmo nulas."
Por outro lado, o que ouvi na caminhada matinal:
"Managers at every level in organizations also populate a range, from rank amateurs to reflective artisans. The former, when they go looking for the new insights that will take their companies’ plans or performance to the next level, tend to seize on shiny objects. They chase trends. They look at game-changing work by others — breakthroughs that in hindsight seem inevitable — and just as they look at great photographs, they assume they were the result of fast reflexes and the luck of being in the right place at the right time.
More deliberate leaders believe great opportunities must be made, and work at building the layers of creative insight from the back
spending most of his energy on setting the stage for his organization to recognize a good idea when it surfaces. Instead of declaring a particular innovation he wants to pursue, he constantly poses key, cornerstone questions. [Moi ici: Como não recordar o tweet recorrente do meu amigo @icyView "obsessão socialista: picking winners and losers"] Two of his favorites are: How can we delight consumers when they buy our products? How can they be more delighted when using them? Everything else builds forward from that.
they are framing the background conditions that will allow creative thinking to flourish and be heardin large part by tamping down their own impulses to be hard-charging, full of answers, and quick to intervene.[Moi ici: Como não recordar Nassim Taleb e os fragilistas ingénuos] Then they attend to the next layer, encouraging questions from themselves and others that will break down outdated assumptions and open up new realms of problem-solving. Having composed those steady-state layers deliberately, they can then wait — impatiently perhaps, but with the confidence that some fleeting, highly valuable insight will materialize. Most important, when that compelling element does cross their line of sight, they will see it for what it is: a flash of brilliance that deserves to be captured, and that will justify all the background work that gave it a proper setting."[Moi ici: Como não recordar a ganância com que os governos portugueses saltam para o saque impostal a tudo o que parece estar a ter sucesso, secando a possibilidade de capitalização tão necessária à subida na escala de valor]
Como não recordar Bloomberg e a mesa:
"You don't get to be in charge, really. You can help set the table, and then get out of the way and let the village/city function the best you can."

Primeiros trechos retirados de "É urgente uma política que promova o crescimento económico"
Segundos trechos retirados de "What Great Leaders Can Learn from Great Photographers"

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