terça-feira, outubro 25, 2016

Acerca da mineração (parte I)

Ainda ontem em "Acerca da concorrência" escrevi, a propósito do nono capítulo do livro de Alan Klement "When Coffee and Kale Compete":
"não podia deixar de pensar nos ginásios que pensam que os ginásios low-cost são a sua concorrência quando eu os vejo como "mineradores" a construir mercado futuro."
Entretanto, ontem à noite li o capítulo 13, "The System of Progress":

"As we can see, improvement in one part of life often has effects elsewhere.
More often than not, when customers overcome a struggle, new ones arise.[Moi ici: Pessoa começa a ir a um ginásio low-cost e acaba por resolver o problema incial para passar a um novo nível de desafio e problema que a impele a querer algo mais]
There are two groups of new struggles. New struggles could be related to ensuring that your chosen solution continues to deliver you value—for example, choosing the best insurance for your first car. Or the struggles could be related to new aspirations that have been unlocked.
The second set of struggles is what interests us. These struggles are not related to the solution itself; rather, they get unlocked when the customer uses a solution to make progress.
The system of progress allows customers to evolve. When we add this idea of an evolving customer who continues to want and make progress, we end up with a helical structure like in Figure 18 (imagine that the spiral builds up on itself).
The top part of the diagram illustrates how the forces of progress perpetually generate demand. The bottom part represents the interdependencies between producers and customers. Through these interdependencies, customers can make progress. The degree of success that customers make depends on how well the producer meets their demands.
The expanding radius of the spiral movement represents the customers making progress. This system demonstrates how one or more solutions can work together, or in sequence, to deliver ongoing progress to customers."

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