sexta-feira, junho 03, 2016

Diferenciação (parte II)

Parte I.
Bastou-me pesquisar no Google e em menos de 2 minutos cheguei a "MODULE 1 POSITIONING THE PRODUCT Chapter 6: 7 strategies for creating unique product-identities"
Como ninguém fala disto em Portugal um tipo até pensa que é louco.
"In the modern market place, each product has to find an appropriate market- niche. In order to do this, each product must stand out because of characteristics only that particular product possesses which also give the product its unique identity."
Eis as alternativas:

  • Strategy #1: Product Differentiation
  • Strategy # 2: Unique Characteristics
  • Strategy # 3: Price differentiation (“Less is More”)
  • Strategy # 4: Niche-offers
  • Strategy # 5: Differentiation through services
  • Strategy # 6: Product Differentiation through Direct Communication
  • Strategy # 7: Making the difference purely through the packaging.
Gosto particularmente deste exemplo da estratégia #5
"Milchhof Reitbrook (Germany): High quality fresh milk delivered directly to your home? This is what we, two traditional farming- families, Kohrs and Langeloh, offer you. Our dairy farm is just outside Hamburg, and we have revived the old tradition of delivering fresh and special quality milk to homes in the eastern part of the city. We also offer fresh yogurt made from unsterilized milk as well as different types of fruit yogurts. Come and see us –– the farm, the cows, the milk and ––– above all, the special service we offer!"
 Como eu gostava de comparar o breakeven de exploração produtora de leite para entrega a processador e o de exploração com o modelo de negócio do exemplo. Quantos litros teriam de vender a que preço e com que margens para o modelo ser equivalente em rentabilidade?

Contudo, parece que estamos condenados à abordagem dos coitadinhos, à postura dos desgraçados indefesos açoitados pela maldade do mundo. BTW, "You Are Always Becoming What You Think the World Is"

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