quinta-feira, junho 02, 2016

Acerca da segmentação

Recordando "E na sua empresa, como é?"
"Incumbents are still segmenting almost exclusively by value, which leads sales teams to stack-rank customers on the basis of revenues and operating margins. Because the revenue model for software-as-a-service (SaaS) trades up-front license fees for a subscription model whose fees are spread over several years, SaaS customers aren’t identified as strategic priorities. Yet many of these companies, although small today, will likely become key customers in the near future. By placing them in the bottom tiers, companies may be leaving millions on the table.
With a new approach to segmentation, incumbents can find their “growth hot spots,” those high-potential customers obscured by more traditional methods. Sales leaders need to consider two critical but often overlooked factors when assessing their current and future customers: need and behavior. When combined with value, these indicators will reveal the customers whose strategic direction and operating model come together in a way that could make them huge sources of revenue. Sales teams should then tailor their deployment strategies toward these customers."

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