domingo, maio 22, 2016

Acerca do pensamento estratégico

"No matter how advanced technology is, it needs human partners to enhance competitive advantage. It must be embedded in what we call the integrated strategy machine.
An integrated strategy machine is the collection of resources, both technological and human, that act in concert to develop and execute business strategies.
Relevant, specific strategic aim. Don’t let technological capabilities dictate the problems you solve. If all you have is a hammer, then everything will look like a nail. Humans must frame the central question, and thereby define the initial insight into where the opportunity lies.[Moi ici: Em vez de "technological capabilities" ler teorias económicas que se aprendem nas universidades acerca de economias habitadas por econs e, baseadas nos modelos de negócio do século XX]
Design appropriate to the aim. Just as different environments call for fundamentally different approaches to strategy and execution, different strategies also call for different designs for the strategy machine. For example, strategies in predictable classical environment require a logic of “analyze, plan, execute.” On the other hand, unpredictable adaptive environments require a process that can be characterized as “vary, select, scale.” Form must follow function.
Architects of the strategy machine must avoid the temptation of relying on reductive visualizations. People need to be able to see inside the black box, probe the “messy” data and findings, and reframe to gain richer insights.
In the end, a strategy is only valuable to the extent that it’s embraced and leveraged by the organization. Business leaders must pay attention to what can feasibly be achieved within organizational constraints — or have a clear path to removing them."
Trechos retirados de "Designing the Machines That Will Design Strategy"

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