terça-feira, maio 03, 2016

Acerca da realidade

A minha professora de Filosofia do 10º ano de escolaridade era uma daquelas criaturas que acha que se pode interessar os alunos pela Filosofia fazendo pouco, caricaturando as ideias dos filósofos.
Tanto caricaturava os gregos por acharem que tudo era terra, fogo, água e ar como, por exemplo, o bispo Berkeley e o seu imaterialismo.
Graças a Deus que Guedes Miranda apareceu no meu caminho para me revelar a beleza da Filosofia e, por exemplo, a importância filosófica da Física Quântica.
Por isso, "The Case Against Reality" é uma bela viagem a esse tempo de descoberta:
"The world presented to us by our perceptions is nothing like reality. What’s more, he says, we have evolution itself to thank for this magnificent illusion, as it maximizes evolutionary fitness by driving truth to extinction.
The central lesson of quantum physics is clear: There are no public objects sitting out there in some preexisting space. As the physicist John Wheeler put it, “Useful as it is under ordinary circumstances to say that the world exists ‘out there’ independent of us, that view can no longer be upheld.”
According to evolution by natural selection, an organism that sees reality as it is will never be more fit than an organism of equal complexity that sees none of reality but is just tuned to fitness. Never.
Objective reality is just conscious agents, just points of view." 
A propósito de "an organism that sees reality as it is will never be more fit than an organism of equal complexity that sees none of reality but is just tuned to fitness" lembrei-me disto:

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